When I was a little girl, I wanted the Pretty Pretty Princess Game. I wanted it bad! I couldn’t imagine anything more fun than combining two of my favorite loves – board games and dress-up! I was about 9 years old when this game came out and probably getting just a little too old […]
Summer berries are on the prowl and I can’t get enough of them. My father has raspberry bushes back in Indiana and I remember picking them as a child. My mother would make (and still does make) the most wonderful raspberry freezer jam from those fresh-picked berries and as a child I would pick the […]
Every spring here in Southern California I find myself weirdly eyeing the stands at the farmer’s market for that first glimpse of bright red flesh. The first week I see them I start counting the days/weeks and making plans. I don’t buy the first strawberries that come to light – I just don’t think they […]
Living in San Diego I’ve eaten my share of tacos. Hey besides a big fat burrito, it’s the perfect late-night drunk food! My favorite kind of tacos are garlic shrimp tacos and Baja fish tacos. They are so good with a margarita on a hot summer day! I’ve seen people put all kinds of things […]
I love fresh sweet corn. Whether it’s steamed on the cob, creamed, roasted, or baked into corn cake, it’s just darn good. Hey, I grew up in Indiana. We lived and partied in cornfields. Therefore it’s kind of a prerequisite! My father grows the best sweet corn I’ve ever tasted. I dream about it. I […]