All Recipes Tagged ‘meat’

Melon, Avocado & Prosciutto Open-Faced Sandwich
Melon, Avocado & Prosciutto Open-Faced Sandwich

When I first got to know M, I started to realize that he did some things backwards. He would call his foot his leg, switch out words in a sentence and regularly exchange dinner for lunch. Now, I must explain that he is Austrian so mixing up the words doesn’t sound too strange considering English […]

Engagement Chicken
Engagement Chicken

A couple of months ago I was lamenting about not yet being engaged. At nearly 33 and having dated M for (the most amazing) 2 ½ years of my life, I was excited and anxious to get married! People had been asking me when it was happening and I had no ring and no answers. […]

Pork Scallopini with Kumquat Sauce
Pork Scallopini with Kumquat Sauce

  Have you ever wondered what scallopini really means? I have ordered it several times in a restaurant and always knew what I was going to get when I oh-so-artfully try to fake a horrible Italian accent. But did I have any idea what the word actually means? Of course not. So I, with my […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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