All Recipes Tagged ‘potato’

Allergy-Free Potato Latkes with Pear Mandarin Sauce
Allergy-Free Potato Latkes with Pear Mandarin Sauce

Products for this post were provided by Melissa’s Produce. It’s time for another Melissa’s Produce Challenge! This challenge is dubbed “Winter Wonderland” and features an array of delicious winter produce items from Melissa’s. San Diego Food Bloggers have been participating in these ‘Chopped-style” challenges for almost a year. Melissa’s Produce sends us a box of […]

Truffled Potato Smashers and a GIVEAWAY!
Truffled Potato Smashers and a GIVEAWAY!

I know I’m normally kind of flighty and easily distracted but I have been paying attention to all you folks the past two weeks. For an entry into the Klondike potato giveaway, I asked readers to tell me what they would make with their own bag of potatoes. To my surprise, the top two answers […]

Potato Bites with Ricotta & Corn Relish & a GIVEAWAY!
Potato Bites with Ricotta & Corn Relish & a GIVEAWAY!

Tapas, appetizers, hors d’oeuvres, antipasto, canapés, Vorspeisen, mezze, aperitivos. Whatever you call them, they are delicious, fun and make any party way better. My absolute favorite things to make are little bites of food. M and I have many friends with different likes, dietary restrictions and food philosophies so the best way to have them […]

Saffron Potato Soup with Shrimp & a GIVEAWAY!!!
Saffron Potato Soup with Shrimp & a GIVEAWAY!!!

Today is a fun day because I have THREE things to be excited about. First, my BFF had her first baby yesterday and M and I got to hold her and love her and dote on her. [Cue raging baby-making hormones now.] I am so proud of the new parents and can’t wait to see […]

Crispy Herb Roasted Potato Wedges
Crispy Herb Roasted Potato Wedges

What is more simple and pleasing than potatoes? The ultimate comfort food in my book, they are so incredibly versatile – you can do just about anything with them. Next to sushi, the potato is my favorite food. It makes me feel all warm and cozy inside. In my next life I want to be […]

Potato Leek Gratin
Potato Leek Gratin

I was super excited to take the October Unprocessed Challenge. I rarely take on a challenge for a couple of reasons. 1) I don’t really like to subscribe to fads (especially when it comes to food) and 2) I tend to bore easily and I don’t generally stick with one thing for very long. Something […]

Steak and Potato Hash with Basil
Steak and Potato Hash with Basil

Breakfast is a favorite meal in our household, especially weekend breakfast. During the week we generally eat the same thing every morning – steamed lentils and over-medium eggs. M learned how to make this staple breakfast of ours while I was studying for the California Bar Exam and it just kind of stuck with him. […]

Vichyssoise (aka “Chameleon Soup”)
Vichyssoise (aka “Chameleon Soup”)

I should seriously be banned from Bed Bath & Beyond. Every time I go in there I come out with a new toy. Mostly what I come home with are strange tools that could either be brilliant inventions or a huge waste of time and money. The latest thing I purchased was a microwave potato […]

Ham and Gorgonzola Frittata
Ham and Gorgonzola Frittata

  I love Saturday and Sunday mornings. Sleeping in, going to the farmer’s market, messing around in the garden and BRUNCH! One of my favorite things to make for brunch is a frittata. They are incredible simple and always look impressive. Serve for breakfast on its own or with some toasted bread and jam or […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Peach Bourbon Barbecue Sauce
Watermelon Salsa
Mat Kearney & Wine, Ham and Gorgonzola Tartlets & a GIVEAWAY!
Smoked Salmon & Dill Potato Salad
Vegan Coconut Berry Swirl Ice Cream