All Recipes Tagged ‘cucumber’

Kiwi Cucumber Agua Fresca
Kiwi Cucumber Agua Fresca

It’s hot outside. Crazy hot. And seriously muggy. Every time I leave the house, I feel so sticky, sweaty and gross, I just wish someone would hose me down. I’ve even been taking cool showers which is a big deal for me because I usually like my water super steamy. I’m reminded of summers growing […]

Greek-Style Turkey Burgers
Greek-Style Turkey Burgers

Father’s Day is tomorrow and what dad doesn’t like a good juicy burger… Well, mine perhaps. My father is not your average garden-variety dad who enjoys spending his day with a beer and a burger watching football or baseball or whatever other sport is plastering itself all over the boob tube. That’s not to say […]

Roast Chicken & Fresh Fig Salad with Lemon Dill Vinaigrette
Roast Chicken & Fresh Fig Salad with Lemon Dill Vinaigrette

Late summer in San Diego is one of my favorite times of year. The sunsets are pink and gold, the tourists are thinning out, the mornings are chill and dewy and the fresh produce is abundant. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but we are so lucky to have so many small organic farms in […]

Deconstructed Sushi Bites
Deconstructed Sushi Bites

  Sushi is one of my favorite foods to eat and probably my least favorite food to make. I find it difficult for several reasons: A. I’m not a sushi chef, B. It’s so difficult to roll tightly, and C. It’s so much more fun to watch someone experienced create a masterpiece! Nevertheless, being that […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Fresh Berries with Mango Cream
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Coconut Curry Baked Chicken with Pineapple Brown Rice
Wild Mushroom Tartlets
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